
Las Vegas DUI Defense Attorney

Las Vegas DUI FAQ

If I am convicted for DUI do I have to go to jail?

It depends on the circumstances, but the Las Vegas DUI lawyer may be able to keep you out of jail if appointed quickly after your arrest.

Will my license be suspended even if I’m not convicted?

The DMV will decide on its own if your license will be suspended. The Las Vegas DUI lawyer can meet with the DMV alone to negotiate on your behalf.

How do I get my license back after a conviction?

If you are convicted for DUI you will have to complete any court-mandated requirements to have your license reinstated.

What if I was involved in a DUI accident?

Appoint the Las Vegas DUI attorney immediately. Our legal team must begin building your case to prove that you were not the cause of the accident; or else you may wind up prison.

What if I already have a DUI conviction?

Your punishment only increases with each DUI offense. Contact the Las Vegas DUI lawyer immediately.

Why should I hire an attorney?

You can represent yourself in court and at the DMV however the Las Vegas DUI lawyer has many years of experience working with the local courts and the DMV to get clients the best results possible.