
Las Vegas DUI Defense Attorney

Las Vegas BAC Test Lawyer

A BAC test measures your Blood Alcohol Content or the percentage of alcohol in your blood. In the state of Nevada, the legal BAC limit is .08%. If you are found to be driving with a BAC level exceeding the limit or are found to be driving recklessly with any amount of alcohol in your system, you can be arrested and charged for DUI.

The arresting police officer will most likely have offered you either a field sobriety test or a chemical test to measure your BAC level. In some states, a refusal of these tests at the scene of the arrest is a separate crime. But in the state of Nevada those stopped on suspicion of DUI are allowed to refuse a BAC test while still in the field. If you did take a BAC or field sobriety test and failed, all hope is not lost. The Las Vegas DUI lawyer has many years of experience refuting these test results in court.

There are three types of BAC testing: breath, blood, and urine.

Breath tests are a favorite among law enforcement. The tests are administered using small devices known as breathalyzers. Breathalyzers work by multiplying a sample of the alcohol found in your breath and multiplying it by a ratio of 2100:1. There are many ways to contaminate the test results of a breathalyzer, such as mouth alcohol or an older machine that already has alcoholic residue. Depending on your medical history, you may not even be a candidate for breath testing.

Once you are arrested and taken down to the station, you will be given another test, either by blood or urine. Urine tests are the least common, but even both blood and urine tests can be incredibly inaccurate.

Even if your BAC level reading is above .08%, your DUI arrest does not have to result in a conviction. If you or your loved one has been arrested for DUI in the Las Vegas area, contact the law offices of the Las Vegas DUI lawyer today.